Good Workflow

When we start new projects and we want to work on the first task and it starts to go wrong then we need good workflow. Good workflow is about having the right tools for the job, and knowing the process for the task.

I want good workflow and I want to be able just to write good content and not worry about what tools I need to use. I want this so much is it’s a burning question of mine as to how I do the task.

Once we can just start writing the content and not worrying about the how it’s the best feeling in the world for creating new content, so this is good for me.  I would encourage everyone to get the workflow sorted and just do it. So, now you have to ask yourself what tools do I need to do the task, even the simplest of tasks need tools, a pen and paper are tools for a task.

For my task of writing this blog I want to know where I do the writing, can I do spelling checks, grammar checks as well as knowing what tools I need to use for creating a picture or diagram.

I use,

  • WordPress
  • Word
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Illustrator

That’s it I now need to think about the process I use and what tool I use for each step of the process. When I write new content I usually use Word, but sometimes I write directly into WordPress. If I want to include a photograph I use Lightroom.

Ok, now I need to get my blog written in 45 mins that’s the time I give myself for writing a blog. I write it in Word and then check it in Word and cut and paste into WordPress, that is it ready to go.

I always add a photograph to my posts, this photo is of the 18th hole Old Course, St Andrews.

18th Hole Old Course, St Andrews